The latest news from Laura George who is working with Cheshire Wildlife Trust on a trainee placement, funded by the Saltscape Partnership:
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Caring for our Riverbanks for Water Voles.
Saltscape partner Cheshire Wildlife Trust has been training volunteers in how to identify great conditions for water voles to flourish.
Read moreStep Back in time at Anderton’s Toll Houses
Two toll houses at the world’s first boat lift, Anderton Boat Lift in Northwich, have been refurbished, allowing visitors to step back in time and experience what it was like to book a boat passage a hundred years ago.
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Our 'Field Notes' guide celebrates the nature & history of #Cheshire's #Salt story & marks the end of our Landscape Partnership Scheme. It's been a lot of fun! @merseyforest @Go_CheshireWest @heritagelottery @HLFNorthWest @RECORDLRC @resophonick