Children record ‘special places’ podcasts for Saltscape

Primary School Children from Winsford have produced ‘radio’ interviews about their favourite local  places  as part of Saltscape’s Digital Media Project with Mako Education 

The children interviewed each other to find out what their favourite local places were and why?  Then they had to go on to describe the place to someone who had never been there in order ; (to explain what it looked like and what it’s used for).  Then the children went on to think about why it was special to them and what they liked to do there  ; play with friends, visit with family,  take part is sports, relax, learn, explore.  And finally, they were asked to consider one thing they might change about that place and why.   
Favourite places included Winsford Library,Winsford Lifestyle Centre,  Chester Park, the skate ramp, Leaf Lane Park, Knight’s Grange Park and sadly, a recurring theme in what they’d like to change was the presence of litter and hazards in play areas.   
You can listen to two of the podcasts and see more photos   here :

You can listen to a selection of the podcasts here :  

Aevina and Lisa 

Daniel and Dean

Jasmine and Ruby 

Leon and Dylan 

Lillie and Lexi

Mia and Jaz

Miya and Amelia

Ob and Ben 

Tyra and Keira


Sean O’Hare from Mako Education who delivered the project on behalf of the Saltscape Landscape Partnership said, ‘We wanted the children to learn multi media technical skills and provide them with a project to showcase their new skills innovative projects involving digital media. 

Caroline Foster, Saltscape Project Officer said, “When we talk about landscape many people think of mountains and countryside whereas its definition is really about the visible features of an area of land and how they integrate with natural or man-made features.  We all have our own  local landscapes and an important theme of Saltscape has been to get local communities inspired by their own landscape and surroundings.  


It’s fascinating to hear what these places mean to the children, how they use them and how enthusiastic, proud and protective they sound about them.   It’s very inspiring to think the next generation is so dedicated to looking after and improving the places which are special to them.  These podcasts are a wonderful little time capsule describing the experiences  for children living in Winsford in 2017”